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# Project Tracker Priority Status Subject Updated Author Affected version Target version
1170 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Track Volume not working (mod/xm) 08/26/2024 10:52 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1142 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New PROC command gives Type Mismatch error 03/14/2023 02:57 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1068 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Curs On no longer functions. 01/18/2023 01:40 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1060 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Every interrupt procedure causes syntax error (Amiga mode). 01/19/2023 09:39 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0 (u38) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1054 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Code Completion handling spaces 01/10/2023 03:22 AM Remi Veilleux AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B17) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1050 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Using input # now hangs and wont continue 01/18/2023 04:24 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B17) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1044 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Debugger bugs and additions etc. Need correcting. 06/18/2023 11:53 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0 (u38) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1026 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved AMAL bobs/code etc, now stopped working in V1.0 U33 01/19/2023 01:25 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0 (u38) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1024 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Attachment problems on aozmine 12/29/2022 11:49 PM Baptiste Pillot AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
1000 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved The Font$() command does not recognize the default font any more. (Get Font Number works though) 01/19/2023 02:34 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
998 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Setting watch variables on arrays (whole array or specific element) from the AOZ Console crash AOZ. 01/19/2023 03:24 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
988 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Indent ctrl-shift+f3 now not reindenting again in betaos channel ver 01/19/2023 04:30 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0 (u38) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
967 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved KEYS: as a label will stop AOZ from working 01/19/2023 04:57 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
966 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Track Volume command fails with an Internal Error 05/15/2023 10:45 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
962 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Resolved If Errn$ is called, and errn is 0, it causes "Message not found undefined" to appear instead. 01/19/2023 05:05 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
961 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved On Error Goto and On Error Proc are NOT working. 01/19/2023 05:26 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
960 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Sometimes AOZ gets stuck running the PREVIOUS program transpiled. 12/13/2022 11:11 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
959 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High New Boolean function results are not working on If statement. 01/19/2023 06:27 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
958 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Mouse over Bob information is hidden when bob is close to left edge or top of screen. 11/29/2022 01:23 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
955 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Too many CPU consumed when my app does nothing 11/26/2022 06:31 PM Baptiste Pillot AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
930 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Palette command clears background color to color 63 when color 63 is set. 11/10/2022 12:15 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B17) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
928 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved More bob MOVE problems 03/03/2023 11:41 PM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u25 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
925 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Support Normal New Faq / Tips to make AOZ Studio work on Linux distro 10/20/2022 12:26 PM Baptiste Pillot AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u25 Actions
921 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Linux : The AOZ Designer does not launch 10/20/2022 12:26 PM Baptiste Pillot AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u25 Actions
905 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Get Bob Palette, is not currently there for an inst/func, currently missing. 06/18/2023 11:53 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0 (u38) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
902 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Resolved Rnd(0) does not function properly in either manifest. 06/29/2022 09:30 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B15) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
900 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Many math errors generate NaN instead of a proper ERRN, ERR$, etc. 06/29/2022 09:41 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B15) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
899 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite movements using eg: move y 1,"(1,4,15)(1,-4,15)l" : move on 1 and move x 1,"(1,2,50)(1,-2,50)l" : move on 1 06/29/2022 09:21 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B15) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
898 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Boom, Shoot and Bell produce errors in Direct Mode. 06/06/2022 02:55 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B15) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
897 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Anim - Anim on restarts old animations 06/29/2022 10:50 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
896 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved IDE : trailing " on URL 10/20/2022 11:05 AM Baptiste Pillot AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B12) u19 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B17) Actions
889 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Wait Input - Doesn't work with 0 (zero) key. 02/11/2022 11:25 PM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
887 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Bob/Sprite Limit not working 04/05/2022 01:31 PM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
883 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Text cursor doesn't erase properly. (It leaves artifacts.) 04/05/2022 01:32 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
882 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved For loop fails if Step is set using hex or a binary *constant* 06/29/2022 10:55 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B12) u19 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
880 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High New Multiple Word searches no longer work when searching for help. 12/21/2021 01:02 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
879 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Gosub / Goto sometimes fails when numbered label referenced is the result of a calaulation starting with a number 04/05/2022 01:41 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
878 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Move - Wrong movement 12/11/2021 09:47 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
877 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Move - Move On glitch 12/07/2021 06:20 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
876 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Move X - Doesn't work without Move Y 12/07/2021 05:34 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
875 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Anim on - Loop always on 12/07/2021 06:19 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
874 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Anim on - Doesn't work without Move on 12/10/2021 08:18 AM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
872 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New SetUp program fails to setup shortcut or reveal where the program is located 12/03/2021 07:39 AM richard langley AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
869 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Some commands in F5 Help cause a corrupted heading. 06/29/2022 10:57 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
868 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Scrolling is backwards in some windows of debugger 12/06/2021 08:59 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
865 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved 1 pixel bobs don't have collisions detected 12/07/2021 07:12 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
861 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Text Styles causes an Internal Error 12/07/2021 07:14 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 Actions
860 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Pressing ESC at a program end does not enter Direct Mode 12/10/2021 10:22 AM Wayne Johnson AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
859 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Boolean values not showing in debugger variables window 12/10/2021 08:31 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B9) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
858 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Play Audio sometimes playing the wrong audio in the internal player 11/06/2021 11:51 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
856 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New UI Text box hold last char in buffer 10/24/2021 12:02 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
855 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Setting voices to 0 in the play command causes AOZ to freeze in Amiga manifest. 12/10/2021 10:27 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
853 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Certain commands cause File system not available error on F5 help. 10/22/2021 11:49 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B9) u16 Actions
852 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Actor dose not maintain modified Hrev property value 10/14/2021 07:42 PM Ronen Malka AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
851 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Actor loses its "LeftLimit" & "RightLimit" when it is modified in event procedure 10/14/2021 07:33 PM Ronen Malka AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
841 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Change Mouse can't set custom mouse pointer shapes. 10/01/2021 12:41 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
840 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Load Asset on IPhone fails with specific file-types 09/28/2021 08:59 PM Markus Wienberg AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
839 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Amos Pro manual AMAL example doesnt seem to work (07.06.17) 12/10/2021 10:41 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
838 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback AMAL registers still not working correctly 09/28/2021 09:29 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
837 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback info.json hotSpots array still not being respected 09/28/2021 09:30 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
836 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Inline help for Box says x1,y1,x2,y2 09/26/2021 04:22 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
835 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback AMAL label/jump not working 09/28/2021 09:35 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
834 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Transpiler mixing up Variable names with Function names 10/02/2021 09:46 PM Phil Bell AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
833 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Images are not imported from AMOS games 09/28/2021 02:56 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
832 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Priority On causes Syntax Error 02/13/2022 10:18 PM Phil Bell AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
830 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Scrolling is backwards in debugger windows 09/28/2021 03:10 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
824 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Debugger rulers are the wrong scale in the Amiga manifest. 12/11/2021 09:49 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
823 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved The Play command makes no sound. 10/22/2021 11:55 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
822 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Set Wave gets a type mismatch error 10/21/2021 08:26 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
820 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Documentation for Get Bob is WRONG in both F5 and F6 help. 09/13/2021 06:36 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
819 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Close Button does not work on the Messages window. 09/15/2021 12:41 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
816 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Bob Col registers constant collisions 09/08/2021 11:07 AM John McGarey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
815 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Direct mode editing problem. 09/08/2021 10:52 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
814 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New The #manifest tag uses a case-sensitive parameter, but should not. 09/30/2021 10:46 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
813 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Problems with actor events 09/28/2021 03:12 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
807 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Print screen cmd direct mode 09/08/2021 08:33 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
806 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback Several cursor problems: Even with Flash Off, cursor still flashes. Curs Pen n does not change the cursor color. Set Curs does not change the cursor shape. 09/08/2021 11:36 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
804 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Read doesn't work inside function if Data statement is outside of the function. 07/15/2021 06:33 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
802 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New F5 and F6 keys only work to Open open. (Should also close - toggle.) 05/07/2023 12:49 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
800 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New If pull-out help is open, when Settings button is pressed it comes out *behind* the help window, so it isn't visible. 07/10/2021 02:18 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
799 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New minimap isn't aligned properly with code 09/19/2021 06:56 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
797 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Wait input doesn't check the joystick 11/13/2021 12:36 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
793 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New AMOS import is NOT working in macOS. 07/02/2021 02:30 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
791 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Pop-up color selector in IDE has bugs. 06/29/2021 01:25 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
790 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Collisions not working properly on skewed bobs 09/07/2021 06:51 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
788 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sam stop not working 07/15/2021 06:26 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
786 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Functions placed after Print will not work on F5 help. 06/20/2021 09:58 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
785 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New When viewing a PDF in the IDE, the Copy & Paste keyboard commands do not work. 06/14/2021 10:34 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
780 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Resolved Amiga Commands which have NOT been implemented should NOT crash AOZ or cause syntax errors. 07/15/2021 03:11 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
778 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New The Instant Help for Clip is incorrect. 06/11/2021 09:13 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
776 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Filesystem: Append not working. 07/15/2021 03:14 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
774 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High In Progress Functions are not shown properly in the "Instant" help. (The parentheses are left out.) 10/21/2021 08:44 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
773 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Anim 07/15/2021 03:53 PM Alex Vac AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
765 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Resolved End of program is repeated on Teal status line. 07/15/2021 04:03 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
764 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Keywords are missing from syntax highlighting and "instant" help. 05/29/2021 05:30 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
763 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New AOZ Messages window can cover up the error line. 05/29/2021 01:02 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
762 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New F5 Help needs to scale heading to accommodate commands with many parameters. 06/20/2021 09:28 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
761 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New 'Hot Spot' fails on F5 help. 06/20/2021 09:58 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
760 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Direct mode - Arrays shown flipped 09/28/2021 03:52 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
759 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Resolved Screen Clone isn't working. (It used to.) 07/15/2021 04:40 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
758 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Rotating Screen Demo Amiga isn't the Amiga version. 05/25/2021 06:58 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
756 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Error messages report ALL errors at column 1. 07/15/2021 04:51 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
754 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Collisions with ice do not work in Magic demo. 09/28/2021 03:55 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - none Actions
753 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved CyBall fails after opening screen. 09/22/2021 09:47 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
752 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Load Asset fails if a path is specified for the asset. 07/15/2021 04:56 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
749 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Clear Key not working properly 07/15/2021 05:00 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 7 Actions
748 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved YGr is not set properly after the Text command is called. 07/15/2021 05:02 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
747 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New F5 causing error for sqr() 09/19/2021 06:24 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
745 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved For me, publish refuses my code 10/20/2022 11:06 AM Baptiste Pillot AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B16) u25 Actions
743 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Fix is affecting integers. 07/15/2021 05:15 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
742 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Blank screen when using samples 07/15/2021 05:16 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 7 Actions
741 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Time Audio | Pause Audio not working 04/26/2021 09:55 AM Jake Joergensen AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
738 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Adding a directory to current path renders a crash 07/15/2021 05:33 PM Jake Joergensen AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
736 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Playing samples from abk file is silent 04/24/2021 08:13 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 7 Actions
735 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Line Input doesn't work when getting array elements. 09/28/2021 05:24 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
733 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback Actor command can't find images in subfolders of AOZ Drive. (This used to work.) 06/04/2021 08:14 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
732 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback While without Wend, For without Next, If without End If display incorrect errors in the AOZ Messages (but a mostly correct message on the JavaScript console) 09/15/2021 01:12 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
731 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Syntax errors now make the transpiler crash. 08/13/2021 11:07 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
728 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Javascript alert can no longer be called. 09/06/2021 06:31 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
727 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New message d'erreur à l'ouverture de AOZ 04/20/2021 07:58 AM pascal delay AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B6a) Actions
724 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Error dialog boxes in AOZ Viewer cover up AOZ Viewer window. 04/17/2021 01:04 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
722 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Publish is still getting "undefined" for application name. 04/13/2021 08:18 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
719 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback Hex$(n) can't handle negative numbers. 09/22/2021 12:11 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
718 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback Deek broken again. (Fails entirely.) Leek fails under certain conditions. 07/02/2021 01:10 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
717 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Installer display "Preparing to install" when it is actually installing. 04/08/2021 10:27 AM Francois Lionet AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B6a) Actions
716 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Resolved All patterns for Set Pattern are wrong (resolution reduced) 10/05/2022 10:13 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
715 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New F5 Help text is truncated if it is too long. This renders that information useless. 04/06/2021 04:27 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
714 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Leaving the 2nd parameter off of locate fails now. 04/14/2021 02:20 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
712 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback The columns and lines parameters on Screen Open don't appear to work because the font size is incorrect on the text windows. 07/13/2021 11:30 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
709 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved AOZ Messages window needs text copy capability. 12/14/2022 11:22 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
708 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New When Atom has been in a larger window, and then is resized down, the alert dialogs appear in the wrong place. 06/30/2021 02:44 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B6a) Actions
702 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback AOZIP file structure is messed up. 07/04/2021 08:51 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
701 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback The "Hello world!" program should NOT come up every time a new program is created. 06/04/2021 06:10 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
699 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New When dragging F5 help window, movement is erratic. 06/20/2021 09:41 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
698 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New F5 Help window truncates help that won't fit in the window. 03/22/2021 11:48 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
696 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Sometimes the Atom search box doesn't completely close when I click the close button. 12/07/2022 11:09 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
695 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New When renaming an AOZ Appplication's folder, the project tree does NOT scroll to the newly named folder. 03/31/2021 02:39 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
688 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback When a function is called right after a Print statement, the F5 help picks up Print instead of the function. 04/06/2021 04:33 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
686 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Erreur à l'exécution si le code est copié depuis le PDF (Guide de l'utilisateur) 04/25/2021 07:55 PM Stéphane VINCENT AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
685 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Typo in the code sample (French version of the User Guide, page 38) 03/08/2021 08:48 AM Stéphane VINCENT AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
684 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Only the arrow keys are taken into account with Control$="Keyboard" (for Actor) 04/30/2021 10:05 PM Stéphane VINCENT AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
683 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Unexpected behavior of the Actor's movement in a loop 03/08/2021 10:25 PM Stéphane VINCENT AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
682 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Wrong name for the Actor in a code sample (French version of the User Guide) 03/05/2021 10:47 PM Stéphane VINCENT AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
680 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Syntax highlighting quits working after the 50th item on a Data statement. 04/13/2021 07:44 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
669 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback The Box command doesn't draw in the proper colors, and the lines are too thick. 04/01/2021 11:29 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
667 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Multiple alerts in a row will only display the last in the AOZ Viewer. 09/06/2021 06:32 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
665 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Alert boxes in AOZ Viewer do not wrap and/or scroll text properly. 09/06/2021 06:38 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
663 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Channel x To Screen Size y fails. 09/28/2021 05:05 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
662 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Javascript alert boxes don't work properly when in the AOZ viewer. 09/17/2021 11:09 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
661 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Mouse Screen isn't working. It always returns -1 09/22/2021 10:21 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
660 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Palette causes syntax error in single-line If Then Else statement. 09/28/2021 05:00 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
659 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New #displayWidth and #displayHeight do not work in the Amiga manifest. 02/09/2021 05:04 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
657 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Bogus error message displayed when using Show in Explorer option from Project tree. 02/09/2021 07:59 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
653 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Many files in the "AOZ Drive" have hard-coded Windows paths! 02/02/2021 08:23 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
652 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Project tree is NOT always updated when a new application is created. 02/02/2021 01:59 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
650 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback Calling =Font$ with a value of zero reported an illegal function call, 02/18/2021 10:07 AM Francois Lionet AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 3 Actions
649 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback Variable with the same name but being of different types crashed the compiler. 02/16/2021 01:03 PM Francois Lionet AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
648 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New If the help pane is open, and the Settings button is pressed, the settings window will appear *behind* the help pane. 01/31/2021 08:27 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
644 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Settings are being ignored. (Autocomplete doesn't include auto-parentheses, quotes, etc.) 12/13/2022 04:43 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
642 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Commas are no longer handled correctly on the Print command in the AOZ manifest. 01/28/2021 09:17 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
641 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New F5 Help does not always distinguish between Function and Instruction when both apply to the same keyword. 05/07/2023 01:10 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
640 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Instructions typed in "Direct Mode" are no longer working. 07/15/2021 12:46 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
639 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Print Using is no longer working properly. 01/29/2021 10:24 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
638 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Show In Explorer no longer works. 02/09/2021 08:04 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
637 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Amiga coordinates reading Y Mouse using Print ym 01/28/2021 02:41 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
634 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback The AMOS demos volumes are no longer accessible. 01/28/2021 11:53 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 3 Actions
633 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New QRCode Reader demo fails before even trying to scan. 01/24/2021 10:58 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
632 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Circular Movement demo has a problem with the "circles" being drawn. 05/07/2023 01:13 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
631 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New BOOT - wrong window/application name 01/23/2021 03:39 PM Andy Naimoli AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
630 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New INSTALL - scrambled text/links 01/23/2021 03:37 PM Andy Naimoli AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
629 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sam Play now causes an Internal error. 01/24/2021 11:20 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
627 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback Rename doesn't work on AOZ program folders. 12/07/2021 12:47 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
626 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New In Amiga manifest, Input statement now adds space after each letter typed (accumulative). 01/23/2021 01:48 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
625 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Input statement with empty string prompt displays ? before input. 01/29/2021 08:31 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
623 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New The just (21/01/2021) downloaded AOZ_Studio_1.0.0_Beta_2.pkg cannot install 01/21/2021 02:56 PM Jean-Michel Forgeas AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
622 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback hrev/vrev block commands 07/15/2021 12:32 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
612 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Modifier keys are not being assigned properly for Joystick emulation. 12/17/2020 11:19 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
610 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New When attempting to create a new folder with the "Save an AOZ Application" requester, got a "ReferenceError" 12/07/2020 09:52 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
606 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New MapView fails in Firefox (works in Chrome) 12/05/2020 05:42 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
605 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved The polygon command draws a figure that is 1 pixel smaller than it should be all the way around. 12/03/2020 09:33 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
604 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved When auto-complete is turned off, the Editor will not allow a cursor up or down when typing, and at the end of a word. 10/21/2021 09:29 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B6a) Actions
603 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Audio alerts for the Discord page are still active when the Discord tab has been disabled. 02/28/2021 06:41 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
602 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Auto-complete is still running even when unchecked in settings. 10/21/2021 09:32 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
601 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Pop and Pop N were working, but they're broken again. 12/07/2020 09:30 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
599 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Trailing statement separator : causes "unexpected token" error. 11/27/2020 11:46 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
597 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New If a manifest file is incorrectly placed in the resources folder of an AOZ application, this will cause an infinite loop (or at least infinite timeouts) on the transpiler. 11/26/2020 03:39 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
595 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Create a New AOZ Application doesn't open the new app, does not open the Project tree at the position of the new program, the selected name is not used for the source, etc. (see details) 10/21/2021 09:34 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B5) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B9) u16 Actions
590 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Imported AMOS game causes error "Invalid string length" developer tools 08/04/2022 10:00 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
589 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New empty.file is added to every empty folder in the AOZ application's resource folder. validator.js is added to every new AOZ application. 11/21/2020 03:42 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
584 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New .AOZIP files do not load properly. 11/20/2020 04:46 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
582 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Adding a new image once an AMOS game is imported generates error 11/18/2020 07:54 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
581 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Sam Loop doesn't loop 04/01/2021 03:32 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
579 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Divide by 0 error incorrectly returns NaN. Instead, it should return a divide by 0 error so On Error will work. 06/17/2022 06:11 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B15) Actions
578 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Variables defined with Field statement coming up as undeclared using Listvars in AOZ Viewer/Direct mode. 11/17/2020 12:05 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
577 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Close n on Random file causes an Internal error. 10/21/2021 09:41 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
575 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New The textual commands in Direct Mode / Inspector no longer work. Only the buttons work. 11/16/2020 09:34 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
569 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Pure AOZ instructions using parameters are not working. 11/17/2020 01:22 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
566 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved RGB$(r,g,b) is not working. 11/17/2020 12:53 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
562 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New When using the keyboard in Firefox, an apostrophe brings up "quick links". 11/01/2020 03:03 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
561 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Speech demo crashes if speech recognition not available. 11/01/2020 02:49 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
560 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Speech demo becomes unresponsive if you wait too long before you speak. 11/01/2020 02:47 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
555 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New The Appear command compiles, but doesn't work. 10/23/2020 12:58 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
554 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Fade command compiles, but doesn't work. 10/23/2020 12:58 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
553 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New La commande Get (file_commands section) provoque une erreur de syntaxe 10/23/2020 12:43 PM jean-paul DUPRIEZ AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
552 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Font scaling on bitmapped (Amiga) fonts not working properly. 01/14/2023 07:51 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0 (u38) Actions
551 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Tags are sometimes processed when commented. 11/17/2020 03:23 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
548 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Stop Compile Warnings for Arrays being used without being declared 10/22/2020 08:56 AM Phil Bell AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
547 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Suggested modification to rfonts.js to overcome the 'cannot_load_font' issue 10/13/2020 04:06 PM Phil Bell AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
546 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Single-quoted strings do not work. 10/12/2020 12:04 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
545 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved problème sporadique en utilisant locate 10/10/2020 06:55 AM aguiar jean-marc AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
544 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Shade On / Shade Off aren't working. 06/30/2021 01:48 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
540 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback Colour command no longer works. 10/07/2020 11:10 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
539 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback In Amiga mode, the Plot command draws dots that are of inconsistent size and shape. 10/07/2020 07:17 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
538 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New AMAL demos 1-7 are better, but still have problems. Issues from AMAL, Rainbow, Double Buffer. 10/04/2020 11:58 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
528 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Some key codes not working properly in Amiga manifest. 10/02/2020 10:03 AM Brian Flanagan Actions
527 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Discord copy and paste doesn't function from AOZ 10/02/2020 09:31 AM Dale Askew AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
526 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress Music not playing in Website demo 11/01/2020 03:25 PM Dale Askew AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
524 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback Short inequality operator has not been implemented. 10/06/2020 07:48 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
520 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Several Bob problems 09/08/2021 11:46 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
519 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New After using Publish, nothing else will run or compile. After selecting a new AOZ program, clicking either compile button goes straight to publish instead. 10/01/2020 10:07 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
515 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Error in Development Tools (running Amal) :- Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'return' 10/05/2020 12:17 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
514 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Error in Developer Tools - rutilities.js:544 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined 10/06/2020 08:32 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
508 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Issue with Atom text cursor 04/13/2021 08:00 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
475 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Default Screen Issues: When using default screen, Load IFF distorts image. AMAL fails if using default screen. 09/14/2020 11:13 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
474 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved End is treated as Exit when inside a procedure! 09/27/2020 04:52 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
473 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Drag & drop folder, and drag into "My AOZ Applications" 09/14/2020 12:01 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
472 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Certain keys produce "Dead Key" values. Example: Alt E 09/14/2020 12:05 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
467 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Support Normal Resolved Download does not work 09/06/2020 11:53 AM Lee Holzschuh AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.10 Actions
466 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Variable XXX is not declared message appears for variables that *have* been declared, when using listvars in the inspector. 09/14/2020 12:24 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
465 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress Rainbow lines are offset, and there are gaps between the rainbow lines. 10/04/2020 10:55 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
464 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback In Rain (n,l) =c, c is incorrectly limited to the range of 0 to 255, when it should be 0-$FFF for Amiga and 0-$FFFFFF for AOZ. 10/05/2020 09:40 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
461 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Create new Application and Open (if not already open) should always open a new tab, but sometimes, they just replace the currently open application tab. 10/06/2020 12:48 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
454 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved In Every n GOSUB / Every n PROC, the n should correspond to the manifest. 08/28/2020 08:13 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
453 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Key$(n) crashes compiler - Internal Error. 11/17/2020 03:50 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
450 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback Some keys working differently in different browsers. 09/19/2020 09:53 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
440 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Load Asset or Sam Play - Causing status of 404 (Not Found) 09/14/2020 11:35 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
435 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Amiga manifest mode using the tag #keepProportions not working 08/07/2020 07:35 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
431 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress PUT KEY not working 09/19/2021 06:39 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
427 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Rainbows are too dark 09/27/2020 05:39 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
412 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprites not holding position if going to fullscreen in amiga manifest mode 09/27/2020 05:40 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
411 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New AOZ sometimes scrambles code order. 09/19/2020 01:42 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
408 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Comma is ignored at the end of a print statement. 09/27/2020 05:49 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
407 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Print Using improperly handles ; or , at the end of the line. 04/01/2021 02:25 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B6a) Actions
406 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Channel 0 To Screen Offset or to Screen Display now fail. 08/28/2020 04:03 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
403 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Cup$,Cdown$,Cleft$,Cright$ are all wrong. 09/19/2020 01:32 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
400 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Un-referenced line numbers sometimes cause Gosub to fail. 09/14/2020 05:50 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
396 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Load IFF distorts the images loaded. It also gets the background color wrong sometimes. 10/07/2020 09:19 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
377 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved A simple duplicate folder into Ressouces freezes my PC. 09/19/2020 01:51 PM Olivier Bori AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
376 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Spaces in AMAL label before colon throws error 09/19/2020 01:52 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
374 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback AOZ skips the alpha channel of the PNG file when loading with the Load Image command 09/19/2020 02:12 PM Michal Mrozinski AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
362 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved there is an error in AOZ Studio Lesson 2 09/14/2020 12:53 PM michel cabartier AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
361 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Rain Command - Illegal function call 09/07/2020 08:32 AM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
358 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved SCROLL leaves previous image when scrolling with transparancy 09/28/2021 05:59 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
355 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Amal XS() & YS() report Nan 09/28/2021 04:52 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
353 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback In macOS version, I can no longer import .amos applications from Resources folder. Causes Import error. 09/03/2020 08:02 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
352 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Get and Put cause syntax errors for Random files. 10/21/2021 09:49 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
349 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Get Fonts causes Internal error. (This was fixed, but it's back!) 11/17/2020 02:57 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
348 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback A user defined function cannot call another user-defined function. (Causes internal error or program freeze.) 02/14/2021 04:30 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
325 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Functions with floating point results lock up AOZ. Also, Integer functions return floating point results! 09/07/2020 08:40 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
312 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Transpileur corrupts sound and video files 04/16/2020 04:45 AM Baptiste Bideaux AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.8 Actions
300 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved AMAL causes error but works in AMOS 04/16/2020 05:31 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
270 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Free, Fast Free, and Chip Free all return 0. 09/21/2020 12:43 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
266 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New AMAL with AUtotest causes an error in AMAL transpiler 02/28/2020 04:20 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
265 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback AMAL with $8000+1 doesnt not flip bob causes an Uncaught image_not_defined 03/10/2020 05:37 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
264 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Flash compiles, but does not function. 05/07/2023 01:18 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
261 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Trailing , on Print statement is ignored. 09/21/2020 10:39 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
260 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Off n 10/08/2020 02:49 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
256 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Global variables are not initialized when attempt is made to access them inside a procedure, if they weren't touched other than the Global statement. 03/02/2020 04:57 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.6 Actions
255 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Save "filename.abk",number Not Working 02/26/2020 01:38 AM Massimiliano Piscitelli AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
254 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Some Tracker files sound very distorted. (They play clean on other players>) 10/08/2020 02:51 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
249 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High In Progress File saving not working 12/18/2021 09:47 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) Actions
247 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback Calling Boom, Shoot, or Bell too quickly causes AOZ to lock up. (Other events are not processed.) 04/01/2021 03:31 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
246 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Volume does not affect Boom, Shoot, or Bell (other than on/off) 03/24/2022 09:04 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
235 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress Tracker player hangs on complex mod files. 02/29/2020 02:33 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
203 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Rotate + zoom + skew screen screws up display 09/08/2021 11:42 AM Laurant Weill Actions
177 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved On Error Goto 100 ... or On Error Goto ERRLABEL cause compiler to crash. 11/17/2020 04:35 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
173 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Flash doesn't work. Neither the default, nor explicitly defined flashing sequence. 10/04/2020 10:59 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
170 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Resolved Drawing commands (at least Bar, Box and Draw) are offset by 1 pixel in both X and Y. 09/08/2021 11:42 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 Actions
163 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High Feedback AOZ application locks up on second Swap. 10/05/2020 01:07 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
162 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Set Wave causes syntax error. 02/08/2020 09:11 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 Actions
160 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress Help_75 locks up on Load "AMOSPro_Examples:Music/Music.abk". 02/21/2020 09:55 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 Actions
152 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Wind Open does not use Paper color for background as it should. 10/05/2020 12:55 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
151 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved AMAL with $8000+1 doesnt not flip bob causes an Uncaught image_not_defined 03/07/2020 02:56 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
150 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New AMAL with AUtotest causes an error in AMAL transpiler 02/07/2020 09:57 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 Actions
149 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Hotspots imported from AMOS abk banks are not imported 10/27/2020 04:31 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC4 Actions
147 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Ink parameter not working on Text command 09/21/2020 08:32 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
145 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Different default colours - Amiga/PC modes 09/30/2020 02:47 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
143 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Rainbow works in Amiga mode, but not PC 09/19/2021 05:45 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
141 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Feedback Ordering the Screen layers are not working now 07/12/2020 10:46 PM Giovanni Cardona AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
140 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Play command (for sound) isn't working. 05/07/2023 12:43 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 Actions
137 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Drawing box, then drawing over it with a black box on a black background leaves a "ghost" "of the previous box, instead of erasing it entirely. 09/08/2021 06:31 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
134 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Help_11 runs too fast even with speed: "safe" set. 02/28/2020 09:11 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
132 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Font$ is messed up in Amiga mode (several problems, but all related) 02/20/2021 07:34 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
130 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Limit Mouse 02/05/2020 11:56 AM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 Actions
127 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Polygon - draws black borders around shapes 03/08/2021 11:24 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
126 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Box command - incompatibility issue 09/08/2021 06:30 AM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC2 Actions
123 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress Rainbow colour mapping issue 02/22/2020 08:45 AM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 Actions
120 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low Feedback Rainbow Height 12/07/2020 09:39 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 2 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.5 Actions
114 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Pack, Spack, and Unpack all return syntax errors. 11/17/2020 04:44 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
112 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Serial commands all produce syntax errors. 02/28/2020 07:52 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
111 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug High New Default font & size used for Text command are wrong. 10/21/2021 10:00 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
109 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Help_55 works, but too fast to function properly - even in #speed:"safe" mode. 02/28/2020 07:09 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
108 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Help_60 compiles, but produces a black screen with an FPS indicator. 02/28/2020 07:04 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
107 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Cop commands compile but don't work. 02/28/2020 06:18 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
106 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved In Help_63, Request Wb and Request On used to cause syntax errors. Was marked as Resolved, but now the same example causes the compiler to crash with Internal error. 11/17/2020 04:59 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
84 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress Med Load causes format_wrong error. (Formerly, Med Cont causes syntax error.) 04/19/2020 10:48 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
78 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Def FN causes syntax error, and array not dimensioned error 07/14/2021 07:40 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
76 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Help 9 Gr Writing Modes do not change 03/22/2021 07:15 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
75 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Fonts in 'Brown fox over lazy dog" demo 03/22/2021 04:41 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.4 Actions
64 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Lprint returns syntax error. 11/17/2020 05:08 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Beta 1 Actions
48 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Graphics cursor position 09/08/2021 06:29 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
43 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal Resolved Patterns have reversed colours 09/08/2021 06:14 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 0.9.3 Actions
40 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Gr Writing Modes all messed up. 06/25/2020 07:21 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
36 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Low New Printer Open 04/13/2021 05:48 PM jonathan thiroux-collard AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
35 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Hslider and Vslider don't work. 07/07/2020 12:02 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
27 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal New Paint command doesn't work. 05/07/2023 12:59 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Actions
18 AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug Normal In Progress Unpack command 04/13/2021 05:43 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
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