Bug #552
openFont scaling on bitmapped (Amiga) fonts not working properly.
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
1:00 h
Affected version:
When the size is too much smaller than the original bitmap, the characters are too far apart horizontally.
When the size is too much larger than the original bitmap, the characters are too close together horizontally.
#manifest: "aoz"
#amigaFont: "news" ' 23
#amigaFont: "2001" ' 8
#amigaFont: "ammolite" ' 10
#amigaFont: "courier" ' 11,13,15,18,24
#amigaFont: "garnet" ' 9,16
#amigaFont: "mFast" ' 20
#amigaFont: "peridot" ' 7
#amigaFont: "times" ' 11,13,15,18,24
#amigaFont: "arial" ' 11,12,13,15,16,20,25,30,35,40
#amigaFont: "diamond" ' 12, 20
#amigaFont: "helvetica" ' 9,11,13,15,18,24
#amigaFont: "onyx" ' 9
#amigaFont: "ruby" ' 8,12,15
#amigaFont: "topaz" ' 11
#amigaFont: "pica" ' 32
#amigaFont: "broadway" ' 16
#amigaFont: "emerald" ' 17,20
#amigaFont: "lines" ' 21
#amigaFont: "opal" ' 9,12
#amigaFont: "sapphire" ' 14,19
Screen Open 0,1280,720,32,Lowres
Palette 0,$FFFFFF
Ink 1
Cls 0 : Curs Off : Flash Off
Data "helvetica","emerald","lines","sapphire","news","2001","ammolite","garnet","peridot","onyx"
Data "pica","broadway","opal","news","courier","mFast","times","arial","diamond","ruby","topaz"
f=20 ' read 20 Amiga fonts
Dim f$(f)
For fnt=0 to f-1
Read f$(fnt)
Next fnt
gap = 2
fnt = 0
skip = 34
For fontHeight=8 to 48 step 4
cls 0
Locate 0,0 : Print "Font: "+f$(fnt)+Str$(fontHeight)+"px"
Set Font f$(fnt),fontHeight
Text 0,startAt, "Font: "+f$(fnt)+Str$(fontHeight)+"px"
Text 0,startAt+fontHeight+gap, "In the beginning, God"
Text 0,startAt+(fontHeight+gap)*2, "created the heavens"
Text 0,startAt+(fontHeight+gap)*3, "and the earth."
Wait Key : Repeat Until Inkey$=""
Next fontHeight
Inc fnt : If fnt=f Then fnt=0
Updated by Brian Flanagan about 2 years ago
- Assignee set to AOZ Developers
- Affected version changed from Beta RC3 to 1.0 (u38)
I reported this problem about 2 years ago (in beta RC3). It is still a problem.
Use the example program.
Press a key to cycle through the sizes.
The problem is that when the font height is scaled, the font width is not scaled accordingly.
Vertically, they appear to scale properly. The scale does not change horizontally.