Bug #799
openminimap isn't aligned properly with code
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The minimap at the right of the screen has a highlighted area that goes out of line with the program listing. When you are at the bottom of the program, instead of the highlighted area being at the bottom of the screen it has the top of the highlighted area at the bottom, so the rest is off the bottom of the screen. You then can't grab the highlight to move it up and you end up jumping around. If you grab the highlighted area at any time it will also jump to a part that's further down.
It's clearly just putting the top of the highlight at the line that's at the top of the main screen instead of this being a gradual change as you move down the listing.
Updated by Paul Kitching almost 3 years ago
- Affected version changed from 1.0.0 (B8) u15 to 1.0.0 (B10) u16
Still the same in Beta 10.