



Bug #716


All patterns for Set Pattern are wrong (resolution reduced)

Added by Brian Flanagan almost 4 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:
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Estimated time:
1:00 h
Affected version:


In either manifest, pattern 9 and 23 have glitches.
(Seems like this should be easy to fix.)


Pattern9-Wrong.png (3.75 KB) Pattern9-Wrong.png Incorrect Pattern 9 Brian Flanagan, 04/06/2021 06:04 AM
Pattern23-Wrong.png (3.57 KB) Pattern23-Wrong.png Incorrect Pattern 23 Brian Flanagan, 04/06/2021 06:04 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Brian Flanagan almost 4 years ago

Pattern 9 should be a continuous scale-like pattern.
Pattern 23 should be thick solid diagonal lines.

Actions #2

Updated by Francois Lionet almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Francois Lionet

Will be fixed with real Amiga renderer.

Actions #3

Updated by Brian Flanagan almost 4 years ago

Thanks for the update, Francois!

I know this is low priority, but when you get around to it, it is a problem in both manifests... although it will probably bother the AMOS/Amiga people the most, since they know how it is supposed to work. ;-)

Here are some notes:

I researched this further and found the problem. Actually all of the patterns are wrong. The problem is that they're supposed to be 16 x 16 pixel patterns, but they're being mapped to 8 x 8 pixel patterns, so with the reduction to 1/4 of their original resolution, they're never going to look quite right. It just so happens that patterns # 9 and # 23 have the most visible flaws. (In particular #9.)

(Later I'll add screen shots of the correct patterns 9 & 23, so it will be obvious.)

To correct this will require re-writing the pattern fill code to accommodate the full 16 x 16 pixel patterns.

Actions #4

Updated by David Baldwin almost 4 years ago

I've fixed pattern 23. Can't figure out what 9 is supposed to be, even on Amos. All the rest work as 8 bit patterns so I would guess that's the way they were intended. Maybe it's a bug on Amos that 9 is messed up? I've changed it to a nice brick pattern for now, so at least it looks like something. Can easily be changed back if the Amiga purists complain.

Actions #5

Updated by Brian Flanagan almost 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from Some patterns for Set Pattern are wrong to All patterns for Set Pattern are wrong (resolution reduced)

Thanks, Dave!

Pattern 9 is an unusual pattern, but I don't think it's a bug in AMOS. The pattern is more complex than the rest of them, that there's no way to represent it as an 8x8 pattern. I'll add the snapshots here today. I hadn't added them yet since Amiga Forever is installed on my old machine which isn't networked right now, so I have to manually copy the files over.

This is way low priority... so don't worry about it right now. Leaving them as 8-bit isn't a huge deal at this point. We can fix it later. It will just be annoying having them the wrong size (and at the lower resolution)... however, I actually wrote a little program in AMOS to output all of the patterns as they should be to a file. This should make it easier when we get around to fixing this for real. (Maybe then we can implement the negative patterns [sprites/bobs] as well.) ;-)

Actions #6

Updated by David Baldwin over 2 years ago

Old Amos patterns now auto scaled up to 4x in AOZ mode, and patterns from images are now possible, also fully scalable.

Actions #7

Updated by David Baldwin over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

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