

Laurant Weill

  • Login: laurant.weill
  • Registered on: 01/16/2020
  • Last sign in: 10/02/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 23 43 66
Reported issues 1 4 5


Project Roles Registered on
AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Manager no-feature 02/15/2020



12:34 PM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #933 (Closed): aoz mine does not accept new issue
Laurant Weill
11:16 AM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #933 (Resolved): aoz mine does not accept new issue
Laurant Weill
11:15 AM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #933 (Closed): aoz mine does not accept new issue
test Laurant Weill
12:32 PM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #934 (Closed): new test of AOZ Mine
Laurant Weill
12:30 PM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #934 (Closed): new test of AOZ Mine
test Laurant Weill


09:01 AM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #683: Unexpected behavior of the Actor's movement in a loop
pour faire comme je comprends que vous désirez il faut faire :
Actor "magicien", Image$="lucie.png", EndX=1920, loo...
Laurant Weill
08:58 AM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #683: Unexpected behavior of the Actor's movement in a loop
Bien vu.
Il est normal que le pause/play se fassent dans la continuité du mouvement mais cela montre un problème su...
Laurant Weill
08:51 AM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #684 (In Progress): Only the arrow keys are taken into account with Control$="Keyboard" (for Actor)
effectivement, une régression, bien notée merci Laurant Weill
08:48 AM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #685 (Resolved): Typo in the code sample (French version of the User Guide, page 38)
Merci, effectivement une erreur que nous avons corrigé. Laurant Weill


09:22 AM AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) Bug #591: Aoz Atom Editor (Folding code and Split Window)
What machine and browser do you use? Cannot reproduce it on PC/Chrome Laurant Weill

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