Bug #899
openSprite movements using eg: move y 1,"(1,4,15)(1,-4,15)l" : move on 1 and move x 1,"(1,2,50)(1,-2,50)l" : move on 1
From also the previous ticket 887, the sprite movements are still continuing after stopping the previous sprite movment.
If using the below in stos, this moves the sprite ping pong on the y axis up and down, then when you press end, it stops the sprite one at its x,y position and then starts its new movement in the x direction, it works correctly.
But if you run this same code in the amiga/aoz version, the sprite starts its y ping pong movement and then when you hit enter, it then starts the second x trajectory to ping left and right but it still then continues the first movement again which thencauses it to do diagonal movements in the one place. The move off 1 after each waitkey should cancel previous movement, its not doing this currently causing wrong movements almost in a circle because of this. thx
Ive also attached what is happening in aoz. aozip file.
20 sprite 1,10,10,1
30 move y 1,"(1,2,50)(1,-2,50)l" : move on 1 //speed/step/count
40 wait key : move off 1 //turn of sprite
50 move x 1,"(1,2,50)(1,-2,50)l" : move on 1 //speed/step/count
60 wait key : move off 1
70 goto 30