Bug #150
openAMAL with AUtotest causes an error in AMAL transpiler
Copying this AMAL code from the AMOS professional (07.06.17) manual causes issues in the AMAL transpiler.
A$="AUtotest (If R1<>XM Jump Update"
A$=A$+"If R1<>YM Jump Update else eXit"
//A$=A$+"Update: Let R0=XM; Let R1=YM; Direct M)"
// commented the above line out just incase XM and YM where not implemented
A$=A$+"Update: Let R0=100; Let R1=100; Direct M)"
A$=A$+"M: Move R0-X,R1-Y,20; Wait;"
Updated by Jason Wroe about 5 years ago
Anonymous wrote:
Copying this AMAL code from the AMOS professional (07.06.17) manual causes issues in the AMAL transpiler.
A$="AUtotest (If R1<>XM Jump Update"
A$=A$+"If R1<>YM Jump Update else eXit"
//A$=A$+"Update: Let R0=XM; Let R1=YM; Direct M)"
// commented the above line out just incase XM and YM where not implemented
A$=A$+"Update: Let R0=100; Let R1=100; Direct M)"
A$=A$+"M: Move R0-X,R1-Y,20; Wait;"
By Jason Wroe