Bug #841
openChange Mouse can't set custom mouse pointer shapes.
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Change Mouse works for standard pointers, but is unable to grab mouse shapes from the sprite bank for numbers above 3.
It is supposed to be:
0 = hidden
1 = arrow (default)
2 = cross-hair
3 = clock
4 and above should grab the mouse pointer from the sprite bank.
Also, in Amiga mode, it would be nice if the pointers actually looked like the Amiga pointers.
(This used to work.)
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 3 years ago
NOTE: In AOZ mode, there is one extra pointer shape
1 = Arrow
2 = Crosshair
3 = Clock (busy)
4 = Finger
Perhaps for AOZ mode we could even reserve a few extra pointer types for the future, and start the custom ones at say 16?