Bug #834
openTranspiler mixing up Variable names with Function names
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When you have a variable named the same as a function name, albeit with underscores '_' in the place of spaces....
Variable : PLAYER_NAME$
Function : Player Name$()
If you pass PLAYER_NAME$ into an instruction - the transpile is actually using the Player Name$() function instead of the variable
Here is an example of the generated code in the application.js
// UI Value "UIPlayerName", PLAYER_NAME$
aoz.ui.setValue( { id: "UIPlayerName", value: this.aoz.player.getPlayerPropertyValue('playername') } );```
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 3 years ago
- Assignee set to AOZ Developers
Verified. I had a similar problem when I was setting a variable called Shape$ .
Apparently, it got an error because it was being confused for the Shape instruction.