Bug #140
openPlay command (for sound) isn't working.
Example: Help_24 from AMOSPro_Examples.
The first few times I ran this all of the sounds worked. Then, for no apparent reason, they quit working.
The Bell command continues to work, but the Play commands just quit.
I even tried stopping Visual Studio and Google Chrome, and restarting, but they still weren't working. Yes, I also tried clearing the browser cache. Originally, I had voice 1 and 2 for the 1st and 2nd play command, but I changed it to 15 to make sure it wasn't voice related.
Since this is an intermittent error, you may need to close and re-open or run it several times before the Play command quits working.
Here's a complete example:
#speed: "safe"
Print "Press mouse button to cycle sounds."
Print "Boom!" : Boom
Print "Play 1" : For N=20 To 40 : Play 15,N,1 : Next
Print "Shoot." : Shoot
Print "Play 2" : For N=20 To 40 : Play 15,41-N,1 : Next
Print "Bell" : Bell
Until The_End_Of_Time
Procedure ClickAndRelease
Repeat Until Mouse Key <> 0
Repeat Until Mouse Key = 0
End Proc
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Play command (for sound) works intermittently. to Play command (for sound) isn't working.
- Assignee set to AOZ Studio Team
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Estimated time set to 8:00 h
- Affected version changed from 0.9.4 to Beta RC3
Previous affected version was 0.9.4. In versions prior to 0.9.4 Play was partially working.
In version 0.9.4 it was working intermittently.
In the current version: Beta RC3, Play is not working at all.
Updated by malcolm harvey almost 2 years ago
Tested again..
This is now working in V1.x rel U43.