



Bug #832


Sprite Priority On causes Syntax Error

Added by Phil Bell almost 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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Sprite Priority On causes syntax error

Sprite Priority True generates aoz.sprites.setPriority(this.aoz.platformTrue); - but the order of the sprites is unaffected

Actions #1

Updated by Francois Lionet almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Francois Lionet

Cannot reproduce. Do you have an example for me?

Actions #2

Updated by malcolm harvey almost 3 years ago

If you put in say eg: Sprite Priority on when you try to transpile it stops on error.
But if you put in Sprite Priority True or Sprite Priority False it transpiles but does nothing? If it does not sure what?
It claims in the notes, =onOff parameter, but again you cant specify Sprite Priority on syntax error, Sprite Priority off not available thinks off is a variable not declared in white txt.

Actions #3

Updated by malcolm harvey almost 3 years ago

Ive also been looking at Bobs and Seams in there, they only have a cmd Priority on or Priority off no auctual Bob Priority cmd, unlike the sprites which have Sprite Priority on / off, seams they both seam to say they do the same thing though effect the y position depending on hotspot.
Sprite Priority (cmd)..under sprites
When SPRITE PRIORITY ON is used, Bobs with the highest y-coordinates take priority on the screen
Sprite PRIORITY OFF is used, resets them.
Priority On (cmd)..under bobs
When PRIORITY ON is used, Bobs with the highest y-coordinates take priority on the screen
When PRIORITY OFF is used, resets them.
I dunno maybe it should be called Bob Priority On and Bob Priority Off as well to be consistant.

Actions #4

Updated by David Baldwin over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

Seems to be working now.


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