Bug #814
openThe #manifest tag uses a case-sensitive parameter, but should not.
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0:30 h
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If the manifest file is not in the application, the default AOZ manifest should be used (this works), or the default manifest specified by the manifest# tag should be used (this sometimes fails).
The problem is that the #manifest: "xxx" tag should NOT be case sensitive for the string passed, but it is. In other words, if you use #manifest: "AOZ" it will fail, but if you use #manifest: "aoz" it works, and Amiga fails, but amiga succeeds.
For example: Create an application, and delete it's manifest.hjson file
Then, try this:
#manifest: "Amiga"
It will fail.
Also try this:
#manifest: "AOZ"
It will fail.
On the other hand, this will work:
#manifest: "amiga"
...and so will this:
#manifest: "aoz"
Updated by Brian Flanagan almost 3 years ago
- Assignee set to Francois Lionet
Re-tested in newest version 1.0.0 (B10) u16 (9/30)
Still a problem.