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# Project Tracker Priority Status Subject Updated Author Affected version Target version
684 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Only the arrow keys are taken into account with Control$="Keyboard" (for Actor) 04/30/2021 10:05 PM Stéphane VINCENT AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
663 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Channel x To Screen Size y fails. 09/28/2021 05:05 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
660 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Palette causes syntax error in single-line If Then Else statement. 09/28/2021 05:00 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
638 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Show In Explorer no longer works. 02/09/2021 08:04 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
629 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Sam Play now causes an Internal error. 01/24/2021 11:20 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
605 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved The polygon command draws a figure that is 1 pixel smaller than it should be all the way around. 12/03/2020 09:33 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 2 Actions
569 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Pure AOZ instructions using parameters are not working. 11/17/2020 01:22 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
566 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved RGB$(r,g,b) is not working. 11/17/2020 12:53 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 1 Actions
561 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Speech demo crashes if speech recognition not available. 11/01/2020 02:49 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
560 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Speech demo becomes unresponsive if you wait too long before you speak. 11/01/2020 02:47 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
548 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Stop Compile Warnings for Arrays being used without being declared 10/22/2020 08:56 AM Phil Bell AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
545 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved problème sporadique en utilisant locate 10/10/2020 06:55 AM aguiar jean-marc AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
467 AOZ Studio Beta Support Normal Resolved Download does not work 09/06/2020 11:53 AM Lee Holzschuh AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.10 Actions
454 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved In Every n GOSUB / Every n PROC, the n should correspond to the manifest. 08/28/2020 08:13 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
440 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Load Asset or Sam Play - Causing status of 404 (Not Found) 09/14/2020 11:35 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
435 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Amiga manifest mode using the tag #keepProportions not working 08/07/2020 07:35 AM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
412 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Sprites not holding position if going to fullscreen in amiga manifest mode 09/27/2020 05:40 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
406 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Channel 0 To Screen Offset or to Screen Display now fail. 08/28/2020 04:03 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
396 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Load IFF distorts the images loaded. It also gets the background color wrong sometimes. 10/07/2020 09:19 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
377 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved A simple duplicate folder into Ressouces freezes my PC. 09/19/2020 01:51 PM Olivier Bori AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
362 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved there is an error in AOZ Studio Lesson 2 09/14/2020 12:53 PM michel cabartier AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
358 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved SCROLL leaves previous image when scrolling with transparancy 09/28/2021 05:59 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 Actions
300 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved AMAL causes error but works in AMOS 04/16/2020 05:31 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
260 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Sprite Off n 10/08/2020 02:49 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.5 Actions
254 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Some Tracker files sound very distorted. (They play clean on other players>) 10/08/2020 02:51 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.5 Actions
203 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Rotate + zoom + skew screen screws up display 09/08/2021 11:42 AM Laurant Weill Actions
151 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved AMAL with $8000+1 doesnt not flip bob causes an Uncaught image_not_defined 03/07/2020 02:56 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.5 Actions
149 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Hotspots imported from AMOS abk banks are not imported 10/27/2020 04:31 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
137 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Drawing box, then drawing over it with a black box on a black background leaves a "ghost" "of the previous box, instead of erasing it entirely. 09/08/2021 06:31 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
127 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Polygon - draws black borders around shapes 03/08/2021 11:24 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
126 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Box command - incompatibility issue 09/08/2021 06:30 AM Nick Morison AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 Actions
114 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Pack, Spack, and Unpack all return syntax errors. 11/17/2020 04:44 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 1 Actions
106 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved In Help_63, Request Wb and Request On used to cause syntax errors. Was marked as Resolved, but now the same example causes the compiler to crash with Internal error. 11/17/2020 04:59 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 1 Actions
78 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Def FN causes syntax error, and array not dimensioned error 07/14/2021 07:40 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
75 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Fonts in 'Brown fox over lazy dog" demo 03/22/2021 04:41 PM Anonymous AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.4 Actions
64 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Lprint returns syntax error. 11/17/2020 05:08 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 1 Actions
48 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Graphics cursor position 09/08/2021 06:29 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
43 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Resolved Patterns have reversed colours 09/08/2021 06:14 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.3 Actions
883 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Text cursor doesn't erase properly. (It leaves artifacts.) 04/05/2022 01:32 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
853 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Certain commands cause File system not available error on F5 help. 10/22/2021 11:49 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B9) u16 Actions
838 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback AMAL registers still not working correctly 09/28/2021 09:29 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
837 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback info.json hotSpots array still not being respected 09/28/2021 09:30 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
835 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback AMAL label/jump not working 09/28/2021 09:35 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
833 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Images are not imported from AMOS games 09/28/2021 02:56 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
822 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Set Wave gets a type mismatch error 10/21/2021 08:26 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
797 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Wait input doesn't check the joystick 11/13/2021 12:36 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B11) u17 AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
790 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Collisions not working properly on skewed bobs 09/07/2021 06:51 AM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
754 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Collisions with ice do not work in Magic demo. 09/28/2021 03:55 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
714 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Leaving the 2nd parameter off of locate fails now. 04/14/2021 02:20 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
701 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback The "Hello world!" program should NOT come up every time a new program is created. 06/04/2021 06:10 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
688 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback When a function is called right after a Print statement, the F5 help picks up Print instead of the function. 04/06/2021 04:33 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
686 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Erreur à l'exécution si le code est copié depuis le PDF (Guide de l'utilisateur) 04/25/2021 07:55 PM Stéphane VINCENT AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
640 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Instructions typed in "Direct Mode" are no longer working. 07/15/2021 12:46 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
637 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Amiga coordinates reading Y Mouse using Print ym 01/28/2021 02:41 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 2 Actions
634 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback The AMOS demos volumes are no longer accessible. 01/28/2021 11:53 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 3 Actions
622 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback hrev/vrev block commands 07/15/2021 12:32 PM malcolm harvey AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
581 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Sam Loop doesn't loop 04/01/2021 03:32 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 1 Actions
579 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Divide by 0 error incorrectly returns NaN. Instead, it should return a divide by 0 error so On Error will work. 06/17/2022 06:11 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B15) Actions
515 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Error in Development Tools (running Amal) :- Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'return' 10/05/2020 12:17 AM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
514 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Error in Developer Tools - rutilities.js:544 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined 10/06/2020 08:32 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
508 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Issue with Atom text cursor 04/13/2021 08:00 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 Actions
464 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback In Rain (n,l) =c, c is incorrectly limited to the range of 0 to 255, when it should be 0-$FFF for Amiga and 0-$FFFFFF for AOZ. 10/05/2020 09:40 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
427 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Rainbows are too dark 09/27/2020 05:39 PM Nick Morison AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
374 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback AOZ skips the alpha channel of the PNG file when loading with the Load Image command 09/19/2020 02:12 PM Michal Mrozinski AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
361 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Rain Command - Illegal function call 09/07/2020 08:32 AM Nick Morison AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
353 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback In macOS version, I can no longer import .amos applications from Resources folder. Causes Import error. 09/03/2020 08:02 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
325 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Functions with floating point results lock up AOZ. Also, Integer functions return floating point results! 09/07/2020 08:40 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
312 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Transpileur corrupts sound and video files 04/16/2020 04:45 AM Baptiste Bideaux AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.8 Actions
265 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback AMAL with $8000+1 doesnt not flip bob causes an Uncaught image_not_defined 03/10/2020 05:37 PM Jason Wroe AOZ Studio Beta - AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
145 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Different default colours - Amiga/PC modes 09/30/2020 02:47 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
143 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Rainbow works in Amiga mode, but not PC 09/19/2021 05:45 PM Paul Kitching AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B10) u16 AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.5 Actions
141 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Normal Feedback Ordering the Screen layers are not working now 07/12/2020 10:46 PM Giovanni Cardona AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.4 AOZ Studio Beta - 0.9.5 Actions
898 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Boom, Shoot and Bell produce errors in Direct Mode. 06/06/2022 02:55 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B15) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
800 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New If pull-out help is open, when Settings button is pressed it comes out *behind* the help window, so it isn't visible. 07/10/2021 02:18 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) u15 Actions
791 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Pop-up color selector in IDE has bugs. 06/29/2021 01:25 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
785 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New When viewing a PDF in the IDE, the Copy & Paste keyboard commands do not work. 06/14/2021 10:34 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
778 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New The Instant Help for Clip is incorrect. 06/11/2021 09:13 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
764 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Keywords are missing from syntax highlighting and "instant" help. 05/29/2021 05:30 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B8) AOZ Studio Beta - none Actions
717 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Installer display "Preparing to install" when it is actually installing. 04/08/2021 10:27 AM Francois Lionet AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B6a) Actions
696 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Sometimes the Atom search box doesn't completely close when I click the close button. 12/07/2022 11:09 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
695 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New When renaming an AOZ Appplication's folder, the project tree does NOT scroll to the newly named folder. 03/31/2021 02:39 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B5) Actions
680 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Syntax highlighting quits working after the 50th item on a Data statement. 04/13/2021 07:44 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B7) Actions
659 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New #displayWidth and #displayHeight do not work in the Amiga manifest. 02/09/2021 05:04 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
648 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New If the help pane is open, and the Settings button is pressed, the settings window will appear *behind* the help pane. 01/31/2021 08:27 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
641 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New F5 Help does not always distinguish between Function and Instruction when both apply to the same keyword. 05/07/2023 01:10 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
639 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Print Using is no longer working properly. 01/29/2021 10:24 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B3) Actions
612 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Modifier keys are not being assigned properly for Joystick emulation. 12/17/2020 11:19 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 2 Actions
597 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New If a manifest file is incorrectly placed in the resources folder of an AOZ application, this will cause an infinite loop (or at least infinite timeouts) on the transpiler. 11/26/2020 03:39 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 2 Actions
589 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New empty.file is added to every empty folder in the AOZ application's resource folder. validator.js is added to every new AOZ application. 11/21/2020 03:42 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta 1 Actions
562 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New When using the keyboard in Firefox, an apostrophe brings up "quick links". 11/01/2020 03:03 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC4 Actions
555 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New The Appear command compiles, but doesn't work. 10/23/2020 12:58 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
554 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Fade command compiles, but doesn't work. 10/23/2020 12:58 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
528 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Some key codes not working properly in Amiga manifest. 10/02/2020 10:03 AM Brian Flanagan Actions
475 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Default Screen Issues: When using default screen, Load IFF distorts image. AMAL fails if using default screen. 09/14/2020 11:13 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 Actions
472 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Certain keys produce "Dead Key" values. Example: Alt E 09/14/2020 12:05 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 Actions
466 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Variable XXX is not declared message appears for variables that *have* been declared, when using listvars in the inspector. 09/14/2020 12:24 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
411 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New AOZ sometimes scrambles code order. 09/19/2020 01:42 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Actions
270 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Free, Fast Free, and Chip Free all return 0. 09/21/2020 12:43 AM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC2 Actions
246 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Volume does not affect Boom, Shoot, or Bell (other than on/off) 03/24/2022 09:04 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - 1.0.0 (B4) Actions
140 AOZ Studio Beta Bug Low New Play command (for sound) isn't working. 05/07/2023 12:43 PM Brian Flanagan AOZ Studio Beta - Beta RC3 Actions
(201-300/316) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200, 500

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF