Bug #235
openTracker player hangs on complex mod files.
Try loading Dreamer's black_queen.mod file. (Not my style, but great for testing because of its complexity. We could try to repair it, or perhaps we should consider a different JavaScript player that is already more reliable. There are several open source players available that do not have this problem.
You can download the black_queen.mod track for testing here (Click on "Download" after you get there.): https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=89637
I put that that modfile: black_queen.mod in the AMOSPro_Examples:Music folder in the default resources for testing. The following code will load and start to play the music, but it hangs after the first couple of bars.
Cls 0 : Pen 2 : Paper 0
Track Load "AMOSPro_Examples:Music/black_queen.mod",6
Print "Click mouse button to start music."
Print "Click again to exit AOZ." : Print
Print "(Track will play until window closed.)"
Repeat Until Mouse Key <> 0
Repeat Until Mouse Key = 0
Track Play 6,0
Repeat Until Mouse Key <> 0
These open source players work:
Bassoon Tracker: (the nicest one I've seen)
The player at the modarchive.org which is based on libopenmpt and chiptune2.js also works fine.
Go to the link I gave for downloading the track, and instead of clicking "Download", click "Play with Online Player"
This one stutters a little at the beginning, but at least it doesn't hang like AOZ's or mod.haxor.fi's.
These hang on complex tracker files, just like AOZ's current tracker player.
NOT Tested:
Playing Fastracker 2.XM files in JavaScript:
Amiga .mod player using JavaScript and latest JavaScript APIs:
Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago
- Assignee set to Baptiste Bideaux
Cadeaaaauuuu! Un beau bug pour toi Baptiste! :)
Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Baptiste Bideaux over 4 years ago
Implementation of BassonTracker is in progress...
Updated by Baptiste Bideaux over 4 years ago
Implementation of BassoonTracker is done.
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 4 years ago
- Affected version changed from 0.9.5 to
Track player no longer hangs on complex Mod files, so this issue can be closed...
...HOWEVER, some tracks still sound very distorted. (See bug #254.)