Bug #803
Sounds play intermittently. (Approximately every other time they're called.)
Added by Brian Flanagan about 3 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
Tested in 1.0.0 (B8) u15 on 7/15/2021 in macOS.
Example: The sound should play each time you hit a key, but only does about half the time:
#manifest: "aoz"
load asset "Blip_2.wav",1
// Volume Audio range = 0 to 100%
vol=100 : st=5
Print Manifest$
Locate 0,1 : Print Using "Volume: ###";vol-st
volume audio 1,vol-st
play audio 1
Wait Key
Until vol <=0
Print "Done!"
Re-tested in 1.0.0 (B9) u16.
Still a problem.
For the sample code, change Blip_2.wav to Blip02.wav. (Apparently, the name changed.)
#manifest: "aoz"
load asset "Blip02.wav",1
// Volume Audio range = 0 to 100%
vol=100 : st=5
Print Manifest$
Locate 0,1 : Print Using "Volume: ###";vol-st
volume audio 1,vol-st
play audio 1
Wait Key
Until vol <=0
Print "Done!"
Re-tested in 1.0.0 (B10) u16
Still plays intermittently.
- Affected version changed from 1.0.0 (B8) u15 to 1.0.0 (B10) u16
Re-tested in 1.0.0 (B10) u16
Still plays only about every other time.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to David Baldwin
Fixed! A sound couldn't be played until the previous play of it had finished. Sound is now ended automatically before it is replayed.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Great! It's working now.
That's odd though, that the play hadn't finished... even if I waited a long time before pressing the next key.
That's why I'm not sure about this fix.
Also, we don't necessarily want a sound to stop when the next one is played, unless it is specifically on the same channel, since many programs require playing multiple sounds at the same time. I hope this fix won't affect this ability.
Also, apparently, there is a problem with VOXLoader.js
Uncaught ReferenceError: THREE is not defined
Errors in OBJLoader.js, FBXLoader.js, ColladaLoader.js, GLTFLoader.js, DRACOLoader.js, AnaglyphEffect.js, AsciiEffect.js, OutlineEffect.js, StereoEffect.js
The sample you used actually runs for one second, even though the audible noise only lasts for about 0.25 seconds. Other problems are new, Francois working on sound at moment?
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