Bug #71
closedRainbow Colours
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Rainbow Colours are wrong also, Aoz doesn't seem to be taking into account the last quotes in the set rainbow command
i.e the below should produce a blue rainbow, but instead it's red:
Set Rainbow 0,1,16,"","","(1,1,15)"
Rainbow 0,56,1,255
Curs Off : Flash Off
Updated by Baptiste Pillot almost 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Nick Morison to Francois Lionet
Updated by Baptiste Pillot almost 5 years ago
- source :
- run :
Could not reproduce the exact problem. On my side, I never see a rainbow work, sorry. Strange.
(here my window stays black).
Perhaps could you join your manifest.hson to this issue ? Thanks.
Updated by Francois Lionet almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 0.9.4
Corrected. Rainbows now work just like on the Amiga, and speed seems to be correct despite a massive remap of the display canvas...
Updated by Nick Morison almost 5 years ago
Colours seem to be working fine now :)
Updated by Baptiste Pillot almost 5 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Confirmed working using the 'amiga' manifest.
Updated by Brian Flanagan about 4 years ago
Re-tested in Beta RC3.
This no longer works.
See new attachment.