Bug #132
openFont$ is messed up in Amiga mode (several problems, but all related)
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
2:00 h
Affected version:
Font$(x) should contain:
Chars 1-30: Font name (left justified, spaces padded right)
Chars 31-34: Font size (left justified, spaces padded right)
Chars 35-38: Font type (left justified, spaces padded right)
- Len(Font$(x)) should always be 38, but it's 39. (I'm guessing that the name has an extra space padded.)
- There are 2 spaces at the beginning of the font size.
- There are 2 spaces at the beginning of the font type.
- The '.font' is not included in the font name.
- The first letter of "rom" should be capitalized. (Rom)
- There should be a space padded after Rom, like so: "Rom ".
- The wrong fonts are coming up in the wrong order, with the wrong pixel heights.
#manifest: "amiga"
Screen Open 0,640,200,32,Hires
Get Fonts
For f=1 To 9
FontName$=Mid$(F$,1,30) : Rem 1st 30 characters should be the font name
FontSize$=Mid$(F$,31,4) : Rem Characters 31-34 should be the font size
FontType$=Mid$(F$,35,4) : Rem Characters 35-38 should be the font type
Print "Font$(";Right$(Str$(f),Len(Str$(f))-1);"):[";F$;"] (len: ";Len(F$);") should be 38."
Print "Font: [";FontName$;"] ";
Print "Size: [";FontSize$;"] ";
Print "Type: [";FontType$;"] "
Next f
There should be 9 ROM fonts (1-9), in the following order, with the pixel heights shown below:
1: topaz.font, 8
2: topaz.font, 9
3: 2001.font, 8
4: broadway.font, 16
5: lines.font, 21
6: mFast.font, 20
7: News.font, 23
8: Peridot.font, 7
9: Pica.font, 32
Instead, now we're getting:
1. broadway, 16
2. lines, 16
3. mFast, 16
4. News, 16
5. peridot, 16
6. Pica, 16
7. sapphire, 16
8. n/a
9. n/a