Bug #950
closed(Profanity/Blasphemous) and possibly other words open blank window & additional tree under ide MAC
Using (Profanity/Blasphemous) words (and many other word combos) such as the below in the mac aoz editor and running both in the previewer a few times or the full screen browser triggers (it instantly there), causes a blank tab to appear in the ide editor see screenshots and also it creates a user folder(s) with sub folders under your ide application name as well, again see screenshots. (Mac).
Words that trigger this below. The windows version does not do this only the mac.
Again other words can also do this on the mac.
Dick Wad
Dip Shit
Suck A Lemon
Eat Dirt
Go Root Your Boot
Go Tell Your Momma
Updated by malcolm harvey about 2 years ago
Also this has the same issue Linux. (See screenshot) in (B16) U27.
Updated by Brian Flanagan about 2 years ago
It has nothing to do with profanity... or any other specific words. It has to do with certain instances of syntax errors.
This has been a problem on and off for quite some time... and yes, it is quite annoying!
It will also happen sometimes, if you leave off parameters on a command, or add extra parameters that don't fit into the proper syntax.
For example, both of the following are syntax errors, however:
This will cause the extra window to be opened...
Get Bob 0,0 TO 100,100,"abc"
...however, this will not:
Get Bob 0,0 TO 100,100,3
Updated by malcolm harvey about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Atom is being done away with so closing this ticket, wont be relevant.
Updated by malcolm harvey about 2 years ago
If this comes about in new editor, I will open another ticket.