Bug #827
closedPut block in Preview window error
Added by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.
Get block and Put Block is broken in preview window, ok in real browser, Get block ok, but Put block says,"Block not defined" even though it is.
Again in browser Put block works fine, previewer broken.
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Thanks for the report.
Could you please provide example code illustrating the problem?
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
If you do the below now in the previewer, it gives, ,"Block not defined"
Again, it works in the real browser though.
This used to work in both previously to and including (B8) U15.
The Get block works, just the Put block now says previous block not defined.
Get Block 1,480,384,160,64
Put Block 1,160,88
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 3 years ago
I tried it here using 1.0.0 (B10) u16 in macOS, AOZ manifest.
(What hardware
It works fine in both the AOZ Viewer and the browser (Chrome).
I do not get the "Block not defined" error.
I added a line to make it easier to see when it's working.
Draw 480,384 To 480+159,384+63
Get Block 1,480,384,160,64
Put Block 1,160,88
Was there more to your code besides the 2 lines?
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
Yes, it does seam to work sep, but if im using that in my existing code when the viewer runs, it comes up with that error on the put block line.
Again chrome, mozilla, edge whatever works same code, but just not viewer, in u16 but did in u15 beta 8. Very odd.
Ill see if i can get maybe the total snippit for this operation and post it back here too see.
Hard to replicate tho as so much going on in there.
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
Yes, it does seam to work sep, but if im using that in my existing code when the viewer runs, it comes up with that error on the put block line.
Again chrome, mozilla, edge whatever works same code, but just not viewer, in u16 but did in u15 beta 8. Very odd.
Ill see if i can get maybe the total snippit for this operation and post it back here too see.
Hard to replicate tho as so much going on in there.
It is in Amiga manifest I get this.
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
Well this is the code that it is in the real game, again nothing special and all these
screens are open, but yet again, in browsers any of them it works and runs fine, but
in the u16 viewer it comes up with "Block not defined" on the Put Block command.
screen 2 //restart game gfx right screen 0----*
//Get Icon 2,1,0,128 To 160,256
Get Block 1,480,384,160,64
screen 0
pen 0
paper 0
ink 0 //set black to clr gfx area
Bar 160,56 to 320,184 //blank it center out 320,184 scr 0
screen 0
//Paste Icon 160,56,1
Put Block 1,160,88 //restart pastes it on the gfx game picture screen 0---*
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
It is simply called in a sub routine and return.
Just gets block from source screen 2 and then puts block to dest screen 0.
Yes, very odd. If I comment out this line "Put Block 1,160,88" the next line of
code is just "screen 1" which should just redirect cmd back to screen 1 and then
it says "Screen not opened" which again it is. Yes none of this makes sense.
Why would all these errors come in only the viewer and yes executes in the browsers ok.
Im starting to think to myself, unless some of the screen modes are not opening only
in the viewer U16 and then going on to give other errors based on that failing.
I guess at least it works in the browsers for now is the main thing.
These are the screen modes and screen displays im using that work in the browsers.
Screen Open 0,320,256,256,lowres
screen display 0,offsetposxnow,offsetposynow,320,256
Screen Open 1,160,236,256,lowres
Screen Display 1,offsetposx,offsetposy,158,236
Screen Open 2,640,512,256,lowres
screen display 2,0,0,640,512
Screen Open 3,640,512,256,lowres
screen display 3,0,0,640,512
Screen Open 4,640,512,256,lowres
screen display 4,0,0,640,512
Screen Open 5,160,128,256,lowres
Screen Display 5,280,94,160,128
Screen Open 6,320,256,256,lowres
screen display 6,offsetposxnow,offsetposynow+10,320,256
Screen Open 7,160,128,256,lowres
screen display 7,offsetposx,offsetposy,160,128
Screen Open 8,160,128,256,lowres
screen display 8,0,0,160,128
screen open 9,160,128,256,lowres
screen display 9,-160,-128,160,128
screen open 10,160,128,256,lowres
screen display 10,-160,-128,160,128
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
Yeah only issue is cant debug like that of course.
Updated by Francois Lionet over 3 years ago
Malcom, can you just send me your application? I will be able to fix this easy if it crashes in front of me...
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
I could send in we transfer, do you have email address I could send it to to test?
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
- Assignee changed from AOZ Studio Team to Francois Lionet
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
Ive emailed you now the .aozip to look at. (Wetransfer).
Updated by malcolm harvey about 3 years ago
These errors in relation to Screen not opened and Put block etc etc odd random thing in previewer and not browser, all tied in now to the problem of using the "Every x interrupt" cmd in Amiga emulation. Same as ticket 866.
Updated by malcolm harvey over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed