Bug #411
openAOZ sometimes scrambles code order.
Start date:
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% Done:
Estimated time:
4:00 h
Affected version:
Example: Given the following code:
// Initialize Apple 2 Emulator |
Print "Loading ROM!!!"
Gosub Load_ROM ' Load ROM image from file.
Print "Loading Memory"
Gosub Load_Memory ' Eventually, will load RAM image from file. Right now, just allocates the memory.
Print "Relocating ROM<<<"
Gosub Relocate_ROM ' later on won't want to do this, since extended memory 16K memory card will be bank-switched
' with ROM. We'll want to re-code for this eventuality.
Print "Resetting registers."
Gosub Reset_Registers ' Initialize 6502 registers
Print "Setting Reset Vector"
PC = $FA62 ' Reset Vector address.
The following instruction is executed:
Gosub A2M_Init
The result is very weird:
Relocating ROM<<<
Loading ROM!!!
Resetting Registers.
What we should see:
Loading ROM!!!
(...because there was an End in Load_ROM)
Even if we ignore this, we should then see the following:
Loading Memory
Relocating ROM<<<
Resetting Registers.
Setting Reset Vector
...but they're all scrambled.
First of all, the code inside Load_ROM is being ignored.
It's also apparent that the statements are being executed out of order... seemingly at random.
I put the symbols <<< and !!! at the end of the statements to ensure that was the actual code being called.
The last item (a hexidecimal number) isn't even in this block of code!!!