Bug #141
openOrdering the Screen layers are not working now
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Hello Wizards;
I uploaded to AOZ a screen demo I was working on a Pre-AOZ engine, and there’s something wrong now with the manipulation of screen layers. It seems like it is inverted and jumping a number.
Can’t precisely explain what is happening so I made two screen recordings to demonstrate the issue.
The culprit code is a loop that move screen 1 back and forth between layers.
screen 1 : 'scale and move up ball between screens
Bob Scale 1,1/lyball,1/lyball
Bob 1,(mscreenHalfx-bobhalfsize),(mscreenHalfy-bobhalfsize)-(lyball*bobquartsize)+bobquartsize,1
're-arrange screen layers to move ball between layers
for ly=2 to 4
Screen to back ly
if lyball=ly
Screen to back 1
end if
next ly
I do a loop before this one, that position the screens in order and move it using Screen Display commands.
(Sorry for the sluggish screen recording)