Bug #801
closedScreen Open clips screen when Text columns & Rows are set. Also font size used is wrong.
Start date:
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% Done:
Estimated time:
1:00 h
Affected version:
See right edge of snapshot to see clipping.
For example:
Screen Open 0,1920,1080,32,Lowres,60,30
The above should open a 1920 x 1080 screen with 60 columns and 30 lines of text.
To obtain this text screen size, the font should scale to 32 x 36 pixels:
1920 / 60 = 32
1080 / 30 = 36
Instead it is scaled in the opposite direction to 9.9180 x 16.5313.
Here's an example program to illustrate the problem:
cols=60 : lines=30
scrWidth=1920 : scrHeight=1080
Screen Open 0,scrWidth,scrHeight,32,Lowres,60,30
Curs Off : Flash Off : Palette 0,$FFFFFF,$77FF77 : Pen 1 : Paper 0 : Ink 1 : Cls 0
Box 0,0 To scrWidth-1,scrHeight-1
Draw 0,0 To scrWidth-1,scrHeight-1
Draw 0,scrHeight-1 To scrWidth-1,0
Ink 1
' Show columns
For c=1 to cols
Print Chr$(48+(c Mod 10));
Print Repeat$(tb$+".",26);" Right edge is clipped-->"
Print "Above line is 60 chars long."
Fix 3
f$="####.#### pixels."
Print "Font width is: "; : Print Using f$; X Graphic(1)
Print " should be: "; : Print Using f$; scrWidth/60
Print "Font height is: "; : Print Using f$; Y Graphic(1)
Print " should be: "; : Print Using f$; scrHeight/30
' Show lines
Locate 0,7
For r=8 to lines
Print Chr$(48+(r Mod 10))
Next r
Locate 1, : Print "The numbers across show the 60 columns."
Locate 1, : Print "The numbers across the left edge show the 30 rows."
Ink 2
Box 0,0 To cols*X Graphic(1),lines*Y Graphic(1)
Locate 1, : Print "The area bounded by the green rectangle should fill the screen!"
Wait Vbl
Updated by Francois Lionet about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Francois Lionet
Updated by Brian Flanagan almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Well, it works better now. Given that we can no longer specify the number of columns, it works within that new context.
I still say that we should be able to specify BOTH columns and lines.