Bug #8
closedRight$()=, Left$()= and Mid$()= Causing compiler to hang, leaving process running.
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Affected version:
As tiltle, =Right$(), =Left$(), =Mid$() work fine.
Updated by Baptiste Pillot almost 5 years ago
- Target version changed from to
Updated by Francois Lionet almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version changed from to 0.9.3
Updated by Baptiste Pillot almost 5 years ago
Could you give me a piece of code and the awaited result, for validating by testing ?
Updated by Francois Lionet almost 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 0.9.3 to 0.9.5
A$ = "Hello AMOS"
Right$( A$, 4 ) = "AOZ "
Print A$
A$ = "Hello AMOS"
Left$( A$, 7 ) = "Goodbye"
Print A$
A$ = "Hello AMOS"
Mid$( A$, 7, 18 ) = "AOZ, see you later aligator!"
Print A$
But there was a crash in the compiler if you used Left$ or Right$ with THREE parameters... Fixed.
Updated by Francois Lionet almost 5 years ago
EDIT (spaces were removed by Redmine)
A$ = "Hello AMOS"
Right$( A$, 4 ) = "AOZ "
Print A$
A$ = "Hello . AMOS"
Left$( A$, 7 ) = "Goodbye"
Print A$
A$ = "Hello .. . . . . . . . . AMOS"
Mid$( A$, 7, 18 ) = "AOZ, see you later aligator!"
Print A$
Updated by Baptiste Pillot almost 5 years ago
Tu write AOZ code into Redmine :
- one blank line
- one line with 3 back-quotes followed by AOZ
- lines with your code
- one line with 3 back-quotes alones
- one blank line
With it you won't lose spaces.
Follow this link for real example on how to add code into markdown :
Updated by Baptiste Pillot almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed