Bug #679
closedWind Close problem
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
1:00 h
Affected version:
If you open a window, then another, and close the second, it starts to stretch and blur the first window contents from the middle up and down. The main screen behind the windows is unaffected.
for y=1 to 20
print repeat$("A",40)
next y
wind save
wind open 1,50,50,10,15,1
for y=1 to 10
print repeat$("B",7)
next y
wait 1
for win=1 to 50
wind save
wind open 2,350,50,10,10,1
print "testing"
wait 0.1
wind close
wait 0.1
next win
Updated by Brian Flanagan almost 4 years ago
- Estimated time set to 1:00 h
- Affected version changed from 1.0.0 (B4) to 1.0.0 (B5)
Verified, and still a problem in 1.0.0 (B5).
Updated by Brian Flanagan almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Target version set to 1.0.0 (B7)
Works in B7! No blur.