Bug #423
closedKeypad keys not all functioning properly. Ins, Del, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn also not working properly.
Print X$,ScanCode
Numeric keypad 0 returns "Insert" vs "0"
Numeric keypad 1 returns "End" vs "1"
Numeric keypad 2 returns "ArrowDown" vs "2"
Numeric keypad 3 returns "PageDown" vs "3"
Numeric keypad 4 returns "ArrowLeft" vs "4"
Numeric keypad 5 returns "Clear" vs "5"
Numeric keypad 6 returns "ArrowRight" vs "6"
Numeric keypad 7 returns "Home" vs "7"
Numeric keypad 8 returns "ArrowUp" vs "8"
Numeric keypad 9 returns "PageUp" vs "9"
Insert key returns nothing
Delete key returns nothing
-_ key returns nothing (shift for _)
=+ key returns nothing (shift for +)
~key returns same
for both (US keyboard) (~ # key on UK keyboard - returns \ when shifted)
: returns ; (UK)
@ returns " (UK)
{} return ()
[] return ()
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Corrected num pad 0-9, as well as the Delete key.
Updated by David Baldwin over 4 years ago
And some more....
Shift , returns "," in inkey$, not "<"
Shift . returns "." in Inkey$, not ">"
Shift / returns "/" in Inkey$, not "?"
Shift \ and \ returns nothing in inkey$, and no scancode.
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Target version changed from to
Keep in mind, the keys for the keypad you mentioned should not map to digits unless Num Lock is on.
The other keys, however, should map to the proper codes for up down left right home end pgup pgdn, etc.
All fixed!
Updated by Brian Flanagan over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Re-tested all in RC1. All good!