



Bug #33


Get Sprite returns Internal Error

Added by Brian Flanagan almost 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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Help_66 from AMOSPro_Examples compiles, but returns a runtime Internal Error in line 118, column 40:

Cls 0 : Pen 14 : Paper 0 : Print "*" : Get Sprite 1,0,0 To 7,7 : Cls 0

That's right at the G on "Get Sprite".

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to AOZ Studio V1 (TBD bugs clean/-> V2) - Bug #63: Get Sprite now compiles, but locks up AOZ application.ClosedFrancois Lionet01/22/2020

Actions #1

Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Francois Lionet
  • Target version set to 0.9.3

Corrected, Get Bob worked, but not Get Sprite - forgot to refactor there.

Actions #2

Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Actions #3

Updated by Baptiste Pillot over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback

I pushed it little more with a try to display the sprite after the last cls 0 :

Cls 0 : Pen 14 : Paper 0 : Print "*" : Get Sprite 1,0,0 To 128,128: Cls 0
Sprite 1,50,50,1

Behaviour :

  • : Internal error at line: 2, column: 40, and an "*" orange character is still visible.
  • : An orange * appears if I add my Sprite command... But if there is no sprite command too.

Is it normal ? The second cls 0 should take the full screen back to black, no ?

Side notice : on Firefox I've got this error (Chrome is well)

TypeError: message is undefinederrors.js:275:13

Know AOZ Beta is announced to be only compatible with Chrome for the moment. But most of the tests I dit work on Firefox too.

Actions #4

Updated by Baptiste Pillot over 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #63: Get Sprite now compiles, but locks up AOZ application. added
Actions #5

Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Target version changed from 0.9.3 to

Fixed. And example #66 crashed because or rol and ror...

Actions #6

Updated by Baptiste Pillot over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

No error anymore, it seems good. I close.

I don't understand the logic :

  • Print "*" : ok, it displays an asterisk
  • Get Sprint : ok, there is no error. It should store the image of asterisk into the sprite, right ?
  • Cls 0 : ok, my screen is black again, no asterisk anymore
  • Sprite 1,50,50,1 : It should display my asterisk again, right ? But it does not. Why ?

I tested using Amos The Creator 1.34 : same behaviour, so I think it's ok, despite of my misunderstanding of the logic of it.


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