



Bug #25


Rol.b and Ror.b cause syntax errors.

Added by Brian Flanagan almost 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
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Example: Help_55, lines 157 & 160 from AMOSPro_Examples

RL: Rol.b 1,A : Return
RR: Ror.b 1,A : Return

Maybe these just aren't implemented yet, but if so, should produce Instruction not implemented error.


main.aoz (5.57 KB) main.aoz Help_55.aoz Baptiste Pillot, 02/01/2020 07:42 AM
Annotation 2020-02-03 191342.png (24 KB) Annotation 2020-02-03 191342.png Francois Lionet, 02/03/2020 06:44 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to Francois Lionet
  • Target version set to 0.9.3


Actions #2

Updated by Brian Flanagan over 4 years ago

Francois Lionet wrote:


Nope. These instructions still cause syntax errors in 0.9.3.
This example won't compile.
Is it possible that it is because the instructions are on the same line as the labels (RL & RR)?
Note that the error points to the dot after Rol or Ror.

The result is errors on the Rol.b and Ror.b commands:

First pass...
main.aoz:157:8: error: syntax error

main.aoz:160:8: error: syntax error
Task failed, no code generated...

Here's the entire source for your convenience:

'*    AMOS Professional HELP 55   *              SUBJECTS COVERED
'*                                *
'*     (c) Europress Software     *               Rol. (line 11) 
'*                                *               Ror. (line 45) 
'*         Ronnie Simpson         *               Btst (line 58) 
'**********************************               Bset (line 75) 
'                                                 Bclr (line 85) 
'                                                 Bchg (line 95) 
'rotate a binary number left 
'                +--->Type 
'                | +--->Number of times
'                | | +--->Variable 
'            Rol.b 1,V 
'There are 3 variations of the instruction:- 
'            Rol.b (an 8 bit byte) 
'            Rol.w (a word-2 bytes)
'            Rol.l (a long word-4 bytes) 
'The binary representation of the variable will be rotated left the number of
'times stated and a wrap-around takes place for example:-
'            %11100111  rotated left would become  %11001111 
'The same holds true for the word and longword versions. 
'If the variable is replaced with an expression then this will be assumed to 
'be an address in memory at which the bitwise rotations will take place. 
'eg          A#=1234.56
'            Rol.w 2,Varptr(A#)
'            Print A#            (printed result: 842.216) 
'Rol. can be used to quickly multiply a positive number by 2.
'rotate a binary number right
'Ror. works in the same way as the above Rol. instruction only rotating to 
'the right.
'Once again there are 3 possible variations of the instruction:- 
'    Ror.b (1 Byte)         Ror.w (2 Bytes)        Ror.l (4 Bytes) 
'Ror. can be used as a quick way to divide a positive number by 2. 
'Test a bit
'                +--->Position of bit
'                | +--->Variable name
'eg       B=Btst(7,A)
'The result of this function will be either -1 (true) if the tested bit
'is set or 0 (false) if it is clear.   
'eg.            A=%10101010  
'               B=Btst(7,A) : C=Btst(6,A)  
'               Print B,C                    (result printed: -1    0) 
'Variable name may be substituted by an address in memory. 
'set a bit 
'eg.            Bset 7,A     (set bit 7 of variable A) 
'Bset sets the named bit irrespective of its present state.
'Variable name may be substituted by an address in memory. 
'clear a bit 
'eg.            Bclr 2,B     (clear bit 2 of variable B) 
'Bclr clears the named bit irrespective of its present state.
'Variable name may be substituted by an address in memory. 
'change a bit
'eg.            Bchg 3,C     (change bit 3 of variable C)
'Bchg changes the named bit ie. if the bit is set to 1 then it will be 
'changed to 0 and vice versa.
'Variable name may be substituted by an address in memory. 
Rem *** open screen and reserve some memory for screen zones and array 
Screen Open 0,320,200,8,Lowres
Reserve Zone 15 : Dim X(8)
Palette $0,$F00,$F0,$F,$FF0,$F0F,$FF,$F95
Flash Off : Curs Off : Cls 0 : Paper 0
Rem *** change mouse shape 
Change Mouse 2
Rem *** set out the screen zones 
For N=1 To 8
   Box X(N),100 To X(N)+16,116
   Set Zone N,X(N),100 To X(N)+16,116
Pen 2 : Locate 2,2 : Print Border$(Zone$("  ROLL LEFT   ",9),1)
Pen 2 : Locate 2,5 : Print Border$(Zone$("  ROLL RIGHT  ",10),1)
Pen 6 : Locate 2,8 : Print Border$(Zone$("  SET A BIT   ",11),1)
Pen 6 : Locate 2,11 : Print Border$(Zone$(" CLEAR A BIT  ",12),1)
Pen 5 : Locate 2,14 : Print Border$(Zone$(" CHANGE A BIT ",13),1)
Pen 1 : Locate 2,17 : Print Border$(Zone$("     QUIT     ",14),1)
Rem *** start the main loop
   Pen 4 : Ink 4 : Locate 21,6 : Print "DECIMAL-";A;"  "
   Locate 19,9 : Print "BINARY-"+Bin$(A,8)
   For N=0 To 7
      If Btst(N,A)
         Ink 3 : Paint X(N+1)+1,102
         Ink 0 : Paint X(N+1)+1,102
      End If 
      Pen 7 : Locate 0,20 : Print "     ^ ^ ^ ^    <---SELECT AN OPERATION"
      Locate 20,17 : Print "               "
      M=Mouse Zone
   Until Mouse Key and M>8
   If M=14 Then Edit 
   Add M,-8
   On M Gosub RL,RR,SB,CB,CH
RL: Rol.b 1,A : Return 
RR: Ror.b 1,A : Return 
SB: Locate 0,20 : Print "          CLICK IN A BOX TO SET ANY BIT"
Locate 20,17 : Print "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"
   M=Mouse Zone
Until Mouse Key and M>0 and M<9
Dec M : Bset M,A : Return 
CB: Locate 0,20 : Print "        CLICK IN A BOX TO CLEAR ANY BIT"
Locate 20,17 : Print "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"
   M=Mouse Zone
Until Mouse Key and M>0 and M<9
Dec M : Bclr M,A : Return 
CH: Locate 0,20 : Print "       CLICK IN A BOX TO CHANGE ANY BIT"
Locate 20,17 : Print "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"
   M=Mouse Zone
Until Mouse Key and M>0 and M<9
Dec M : Bchg M,A : Return 
Actions #3

Updated by Baptiste Pillot over 4 years ago

Error confirmed in

    main.aoz:157:8: error: syntax error
    main.aoz:160:8: error: syntax error
Actions #4

Updated by Baptiste Pillot over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
Actions #5

Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Target version changed from 0.9.3 to


Actions #6

Updated by Baptiste Pillot over 4 years ago

This now compiles, but :

"Illegal text window parameter at line: 130, column: 9."

Lines that cause errors (I commented them successively) :

  • 130 : Pen 5 : Locate 2,14 : Print Border$(Zone$(" CHANGE A BIT ",13),1)
  • 131 : Pen 1 : Locate 2,17 : Print Border$(Zone$(" QUIT ",14),1)
  • 147 : Pen 7 : Locate 0,20 : Print " ^ ^ ^ ^ <---SELECT AN OPERATION"
  • 148 : Locate 20,17 : Print " "

Once I commented all these lines, the program runs, but if I click between "CLEAR A BIT" and the button line above, it throws another error :

"Illegal text window parameter at line: 171, column: 5"

Actions #7

Updated by Francois Lionet over 4 years ago

OK just tried, Help_55 works. (see picture)

Actions #8

Updated by Brian Flanagan over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Verified it's working now! Closing issue.


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