Bug #864
closedissue loading .mp3 files under resource/assets/subfolders
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There is a bug, with .wav and .ogg work from a sub folder under assets eg: resources/assets/tunes but if you want to use a .mp3 file you can only load these files it from the main assets folder they wont load from assets/tunes, you get error cant find file.
usage: Load Asset "boom.mp3","boom"
Updated by malcolm harvey almost 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from AOZ Studio Team to Francois Lionet
Updated by malcolm harvey almost 2 years ago
- Affected version changed from 1.0.0 (B11) u17 to 1.0.0 (B16) u27
Updated by malcolm harvey almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Ive tested it again and it now appears to have been corrected in U27.
Note: Oddly enough, I do remember long ago, that you could just specify say .ogg/.wav/.mp3 and as long as you were using load asset it would go and look and scan your assets sub folders as well without specifying the subfolder.
ie: Load Asset "music.mp3", "music"
It matters not though as the above it logical and works fine.