Bug #844
closedActors still seam to have Ghost behaviour after deleting
It seams unless there is an error in the logic of this code, that after an actor has been deleted it still continues on in the log and gets recorded. See code example below in this version if you like.
It basically, drops the balloon (Actor test1), from the top then hits the line (Actor test2) , then the blue ball dissapears (Actor 1.
But then the ball still seams to be recording in the log until it hits the bottom like a (Ghost of the ball).
I would have thought it should record nothing and the Y pos of it hitting the line should be the last recorded.
Cls 0
Actor "test1", Image$="blue_balloon", y=0, x=500, EndY=990, Duration = 3000, Scale=0.30, OnChange$="ON_CHANGE"
Actor "test2", Image$="line", y=500, x=50, OnCollision$="COLLISION"
Cls 0
Wait Vbl
if INDEX2$="test1"
Log "Collision " + INDEX1$ + " -> " + INDEX2$
Del Actor INDEX1$
end if
End Proc
Log "onBallHitGround, INDEX1$=" + INDEX$ + " - " + EVENT$ + " Y=" + Str$(Y)
End Proc
Updated by malcolm harvey over 3 years ago
Little update line 27 misprint.
Should be Del Actor INDEX2$
Updated by malcolm harvey about 3 years ago
- Affected version changed from 1.0.0 (B10) u16 to 1.0.0 (B11) u17
Updated by malcolm harvey over 2 years ago
- Affected version changed from 1.0.0 (B11) u17 to 1.0.0 (B16) u25
Updated by malcolm harvey about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
I believe this is also now currected. Ill reopen ticket if it reoccurs. Was based on an old beta.